Team WaterDog Presented by Avery

Team Waterdog Presented by Avery Every waterfowl hunter loves retrievers. They have personalities that will turn a slow day in the blind into a lasting memory, and a well trained dog has the ability to transform a good day into a story you will tell your grandchildren. The guys at Avery® are no exception in loving our retrievers. More pups have probably been socialized in the Avery® office than in many professional kennels, and while we have always made great products for sporting dogs we realized we were missing something.

Enter Team Waterdog. The concept that was brought to light by David Carrington and shared and sharpened with Justin Tackett, is now going public. As Manager of the Avery Sporting Dog Division, David worked with Justin Tackett of Versus, Super Retriever Series, and Ducks Unlimited WaterDog fame to put together a team consisting of the top names in the retriever game. Besides being well known to the public, exceptional trainers and top-flight competitors, each of the men selected for Team WaterDog® possess the unusual ability to pass their knowledge along to the average hunter/trainer.

Chris Akin
Webb Footed Kennels

Keith Allison
War Eagle Retrievers

Al Arthur
Sand Hill Kennels

Rody Best
Best Retrievers

Tellus Calhoun
Sutter Bay Retrievers

Danny Farmer
Vinwood Kennels

Scott Greer
North Fork Retrievers

Dan Heard
Downtown Retrievers

Chris Jobman
Flatlander Kennels

Derek Randle
War Eagle Retrievers

Kenny Trott
Horsetooth Retrievers

Stacey West
Fowl Creek Retrievers
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